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  • When you restart the content editor you might notice that the attribute tab isn't really showing all the attributes like map_gen, etc. To get those back in the list you need to just kind of refresh the asset explorer.

    • Go to Views -> Asset Explorer or press ctrl+atl+L and then go in Mod -> attrib -> instances and there should be a file name after the name of your mod. But the extension should be .xml. Just double click on that XML file and it will show a sort of loading pop-up. Once that is done you'll see all the attributes back in the menu.
  • Below code will place a ring of trees around the map, exactly how it's done in the King of the hill map.

for row = 1, gridSize do
    for col = 1, gridSize do

        if(row == 1 or row == gridSize or col == 1 or col == gridSize) then
            terrainLayoutResult[row][col].terrainType = tt_impasse_trees_plains_forest

  • All the rrtex files which are basically icons for the maps are present in the UIArt.sga file.

    • UIArt.sga - data\images\ui\map_gen_layout
    • You can save them and maybe edit them to suit your map if you like
  • In order to add images to your mod. Make a directory named ui under attrib and then make another directory inside ui directory called images. Add your icon there. Then go in attributes > map_gen > map_gen_layout > ui > icon and just write the icon name there.